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Security Framework

Your data is safe and secure; manage your programs with confidence. upholds industry standards for preventing unauthorized access to information. Data is protected by a layered security plan, with each layer guarding against a particular threat.

Physical Security
Physical security protects server equipment from tampering, theft and environmental dangers, such as fire and earthquake. servers are housed at Exodus Communications, also home to the IRS On-line, Hotmail and many financial institutions. Exodus has an extensive monitoring system that includes biometric access points, video cameras, smoke detectors, fire suppression systems and intrusion alarms. The facility also maintains advanced power back-up systems to keep data safe and accessible in the event of an electrical outage.

Transmission Security
Transmission security guards against the interception of data as it passes between an end-user (client) a web server (host). communications are ensured by VeriSign 40-bit digital encryption. Encryption converts data into an unreadable format, creating a barrier around the message as it traverses the Internet. Forty-bit encryption is the standard for e-commerce, but clients may upgrade to 128-bit encryption for more sensitive information. Additional information about Verisign encryption can be obtained from the company’s website

Network and Host Security
Network and Host security prevent unauthorized persons from "hacking" the system from a remote network location. is guarded by Cisco Pix firewalls, the industry standard for network protection. In addition to firewall defense, staff applies numerous host-hardending measures and monitors security sites, user-groups and other forums to keep abreast of emerging security threats.

Login Security
Login Security is a final layer of protection that requires all users to log in using unique usernames and passwords, which authenticate each user and set appropriate access privileges. Agency directors can assign different passwords and IDs and deactivate existing ones to regulate or block access to the system. works with agencies to ensure that passwords are renewed regularly and managed according to a clear access policy.
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